Registers all default plugin assets.
See also
File: src/assets.php
protected function register_assets() { $this->register_style( 'frontend', 'assets/dist/css/frontend.css', array( 'deps' => array(), 'ver' => $this->plugin_version, ) ); $this->register_script( 'util', 'assets/dist/js/util.js', array( 'deps' => array( 'jquery', 'underscore', 'wp-util', 'wp-api' ), 'ver' => $this->plugin_version, 'in_footer' => true, ) ); $this->register_style( 'admin-icons', 'assets/dist/css/admin-icons.css', array( 'deps' => array(), 'ver' => $this->plugin_version, ) ); $this->register_script( 'admin-fixed-sidebar', 'assets/dist/js/admin-fixed-sidebar.js', array( 'deps' => array( 'jquery' ), 'ver' => $this->plugin_version, 'in_footer' => true, ) ); $this->register_script( 'admin-tooltip-descriptions', 'assets/dist/js/admin-tooltip-descriptions.js', array( 'deps' => array( 'jquery' ), 'ver' => $this->plugin_version, 'in_footer' => true, ) ); $this->register_style( 'admin-tooltip-descriptions', 'assets/dist/css/admin-tooltip-descriptions.css', array( 'deps' => array( 'dashicons' ), 'ver' => $this->plugin_version, ) ); $this->register_script( 'admin-unload', 'assets/dist/js/admin-unload.js', array( 'deps' => array( 'jquery', 'post' ), 'ver' => $this->plugin_version, 'in_footer' => true, ) ); $this->register_script( 'admin-form-builder', 'assets/dist/js/admin-form-builder.js', array( 'deps' => array( $this->prefix_handle( 'util' ), 'jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'wp-backbone', 'plugin-lib-fields', 'jquery-ui-draggable', 'jquery-ui-droppable', 'jquery-ui-dialog' ), 'ver' => $this->plugin_version, 'in_footer' => true, 'localize_name' => 'torroBuilderI18n', 'localize_data' => array( 'couldNotInitCanvas' => __( 'Could not initialize form canvas as the selector points to an element that does not exist.', 'torro-forms' ), 'couldNotLoadData' => __( 'Could not load form builder data. Please verify that the REST API is correctly enabled on your site.', 'torro-forms' ), /* translators: %s: container index number */ 'defaultContainerLabel' => __( 'Page %s', 'torro-forms' ), /* translators: %s: element choice index number */ 'elementChoiceLabel' => __( 'Choice %s', 'torro-forms' ), 'showContent' => __( 'Show Content', 'torro-forms' ), 'hideContent' => __( 'Hide Content', 'torro-forms' ), 'yes' => __( 'Yes', 'torro-forms' ), 'no' => __( 'No', 'torro-forms' ), 'confirmDeleteContainer' => __( 'Do you really want to delete this page?', 'torro-forms' ), 'confirmDeleteElement' => __( 'Do you really want to delete this element?', 'torro-forms' ), 'confirmDeleteElementChoice' => __( 'Do you really want to delete this choice?', 'torro-forms' ), ), ) ); $this->register_style( 'admin-form-builder', 'assets/dist/css/admin-form-builder.css', array( 'deps' => array(), 'ver' => $this->plugin_version, ) ); $this->register_script( 'admin-settings', 'assets/dist/js/admin-settings.js', array( 'deps' => array( 'jquery' ), 'ver' => $this->plugin_version, 'in_footer' => true, ) ); $this->register_style( 'admin-settings', 'assets/dist/css/admin-settings.css', array( 'deps' => array(), 'ver' => $this->plugin_version, ) ); $this->register_script( 'clipboard', 'assets/dist/js/clipboard.js', array( 'deps' => array(), 'ver' => $this->plugin_version, 'in_footer' => true, ) ); $this->register_style( 'clipboard', 'assets/dist/css/clipboard.css', array( 'deps' => array(), 'ver' => $this->plugin_version, ) ); $this->register_script( 'template-tag-fields', 'assets/dist/js/template-tag-fields.js', array( 'deps' => array( 'plugin-lib-fields', 'jquery' ), 'ver' => $this->plugin_version, 'in_footer' => true, ) ); $this->register_style( 'template-tag-fields', 'assets/dist/css/template-tag-fields.css', array( 'deps' => array( 'plugin-lib-fields' ), 'ver' => $this->plugin_version, ) ); $this->register_script( 'd3', 'node_modules/d3/d3.js', array( 'deps' => array(), 'ver' => '3.5.17', 'in_footer' => true, ) ); $this->register_script( 'c3', 'node_modules/c3/c3.js', array( 'deps' => array( 'd3' ), 'ver' => '0.4.11', 'in_footer' => true, ) ); $c3_script = <<<JAVASCRIPT ( function( c3 ) { var c3Definitions = document.getElementsByClassName( 'c3-chart-data' ); var c3Definition, i; function parseFormatFunction( format ) { var search = [ '%value%', '%percentage%', '%id%' ]; var replace, replaced, percentage, i; function formatter( value, id ) { value = Math.round( value * 100 ) / 100; if ( ! format.template ) { return '' + value; } percentage = ( ( format.aggregate && format.aggregate > 0 ) ? value / format.aggregate : 0.0 ) * 100.0; replace = [ value, Math.round( percentage * 100 ) / 100, id ]; replaced = format.template; for ( i = 0; i < replace.length; i++ ) { replaced = replaced.replace( search[ i ], replace[ i ] ); } return replaced; }; return formatter; } for ( i = 0; i < c3Definitions.length; i++ ) { c3Definition = JSON.parse( c3Definitions[ i ].innerHTML ); if ( 'object' === typeof && 'object' === typeof && 'object' === typeof ) { = parseFormatFunction( ); } c3.generate( c3Definition ); } }( window.c3 ) ); JAVASCRIPT; wp_add_inline_script( 'c3', $c3_script ); $this->register_style( 'c3', 'node_modules/c3/c3.css', array( 'deps' => array(), 'ver' => '0.4.11', ) ); /** * Fires after all default plugin assets have been registered. * * Do not use this action to actually enqueue any assets, as it is only * intended for registering them. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param Assets $assets The assets manager instance. */ do_action( "{$this->get_prefix()}register_assets", $this ); }
Version | Description |
1.0.0 | Introduced. |