
Upgrades to legacy version 1.0.10.


See also


File: src/components/legacy-upgrades.php

	protected function upgrade_to_1_0_10() {
		global $wpdb;

		$containers          = $this->get_full_table_name( 'containers' );
		$elements            = $this->get_full_table_name( 'elements' );
		$element_answers     = $this->get_full_table_name( 'element_answers' );
		$element_choices     = $this->get_full_table_name( 'element_choices' );
		$element_settings    = $this->get_full_table_name( 'element_settings' );
		$results             = $this->get_full_table_name( 'results' );
		$submissions         = $this->get_full_table_name( 'submissions' );
		$result_values       = $this->get_full_table_name( 'result_values' );
		$submission_values   = $this->get_full_table_name( 'submission_values' );
		$participants        = $this->get_full_table_name( 'participants' );
		$email_notifications = $this->get_full_table_name( 'email_notifications' );

		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $containers CHANGE sort sort int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $containers ADD KEY form_id (form_id)" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $elements CHANGE sort sort int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $elements ADD KEY container_id (container_id)" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $elements ADD KEY type (type)" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $elements ADD KEY type_container_id (type,container_id)" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $element_answers RENAME TO $element_choices" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $element_choices CHANGE answer value text NOT NULL" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $element_choices CHANGE sort sort int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $element_choices ADD field char(100) NOT NULL default '' AFTER element_id" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $element_choices ADD KEY element_id (element_id)" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $element_settings ADD KEY element_id (element_id)" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $results RENAME TO $submissions" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $submissions CHANGE remote_addr remote_addr char(50) NOT NULL" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $submissions CHANGE cookie_key user_key char(50) NOT NULL" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $submissions ADD status char(50) NOT NULL default 'completed' AFTER user_key" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $submissions ADD KEY form_id (form_id)" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $submissions ADD KEY user_id (user_id)" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $submissions ADD KEY status (status)" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $submissions ADD KEY status_form_id (status,form_id)" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $result_values RENAME TO $submission_values" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $submission_values CHANGE result_id submission_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $submission_values ADD field char(100) NOT NULL default '' AFTER element_id" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $submission_values ADD KEY submission_id (submission_id)" );
		$wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $submission_values ADD KEY element_id (element_id)" );


		$form_attachment_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = %s AND post_status = %s LIMIT 1", 'attachment', 'torro-forms-upload' ) );
		if ( ! empty( $form_attachment_ids ) ) {
			// Set a flag to indicate that some form attachments need to have their old status migrated to a taxonomy term.
			update_option( $this->get_prefix() . 'legacy_attachments_need_migration', 'true' );

		// Set a flag that the old participants table still exists.
		update_option( $this->get_prefix() . 'legacy_participants_table_installed', 'true' );

		// Set a flag that the old email notifications table still exists.
		update_option( $this->get_prefix() . 'legacy_email_notifications_table_installed', 'true' );

		// If forms exist, their data needs to be migrated on-the-fly later.
		$form_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = %s", $this->get_prefix() . 'form' ) );
		if ( empty( $form_ids ) ) {

		// Set flags to indicate that form meta still need to be migrated.
		$insert_flags = array();
		foreach ( $form_ids as $form_id ) {
			$insert_flags[] = $wpdb->prepare( "( %d, %s, %s)", (int) $form_id, $this->get_prefix() . 'legacy_needs_migration', 'true' );
		$wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->postmeta ( post_id, meta_key, meta_value ) VALUES " . implode( ', ', $insert_flags ) );
		foreach ( $form_ids as $form_id ) {
			wp_cache_delete( (int) $form_id, 'post_meta' );


Version Description
1.0.0 Introduced.