Submission_Manager::count( int $user_id, int $form_id )

Counts all existing models for this manager.


If the manager supports statuses, individual counts for each status are returned as well.

See also



(int) (Optional) If provided and the manager supports authors, only models by that user are counted. Default 0 (ignored).


(int) (Optional) If provided only submissions for that form are counted. Default 0 (ignored).


(array) Array of <code>$status => $count</code> pairs. In addition, the array always includes a key called '_total', containing the overall count. If the manager does not support statuses, the array only contains the '_total' key.


File: src/db-objects/submissions/submission-manager.php

	public function count( $user_id = 0, $form_id = 0 ) {
		$user_id = absint( $user_id );
		$form_id = absint( $form_id );

		$cache_key = $this->plural_slug;
		if ( $user_id > 0 ) {
			$cache_key .= '-' . $user_id;
		if ( $form_id > 0 ) {
			$cache_key .= '-' . $form_id;

		$counts = $this->cache()->get( $cache_key, 'counts' );
		if ( false !== $counts ) {
			return $counts;

		$where = array();
		$where_args = array();
		if ( $user_id > 0 ) {
			$where[] = 'user_id = %d';
			$where_args[] = $user_id;
		if ( $form_id > 0 ) {
			$where[] = 'form_id = %d';
			$where_args[] = $form_id;

		if ( ! empty( $where ) ) {
			$where = 'WHERE ' . implode( ' AND ', $where );
		} else {
			$where = '';

		$results = $this->db()->get_results( "SELECT status, COUNT( * ) AS num_models FROM %{$this->table_name}% $where GROUP BY status", $where_args );

		$total = 0;
		$counts = array_fill_keys( array( 'completed', 'progressing' ), 0 );
		foreach ( $results as $row ) {
			$counts[ $row->status ] = $row->num_models;
			$total += $row->num_models;

		$counts['_total'] = $total;

		$this->cache()->set( $cache_key, $counts, 'counts' );

		return $counts;


Version Description
1.0.0 Introduced.