Class for the Evaluators module.
File: src/modules/evaluators/module.php
class Module extends Module_Base implements Submodule_Registry_Interface { use Submodule_Registry_Trait { Submodule_Registry_Trait::register_assets as protected _register_assets; } /** * Bootstraps the module by setting properties. * * @since 1.0.0 */ protected function bootstrap() { $this->slug = 'evaluators'; $this->title = __( 'Evaluators', 'torro-forms' ); $this->description = __( 'Evaluators allow evaluating form submissions, for example to generate charts and analytics.', 'torro-forms' ); $this->submodule_base_class = Evaluator::class; $this->default_submodules = array( 'participation' => Participation::class, 'element_responses' => Element_Responses::class, ); } /** * Evaluates a specific form submission. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param Submission $submission Submission to evaluate. * @param Form $form Form the submission applies to. */ protected function evaluate( $submission, $form ) { foreach ( $this->submodules as $slug => $evaluator ) { if ( ! $evaluator->enabled( $form ) ) { continue; } $aggregate_results = $evaluator->get_stats( $form->id ); $aggregate_results = $evaluator->evaluate_single( $aggregate_results, $submission, $form ); $evaluator->update_stats( $form->id, $aggregate_results ); } } /** * Shows evaluation results if a form ID is provided as GET parameter. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param Submission_Manager $submissions Submission manager instance. */ protected function maybe_show_evaluation_results( $submissions ) { if ( empty( $_GET['form_id'] ) ) { return; } $form = $submissions->get_parent_manager( 'forms' )->get( (int) $_GET['form_id'] ); if ( ! $form ) { return; } $tabs = array(); foreach ( $this->submodules as $slug => $evaluator ) { if ( ! $evaluator->enabled( $form ) ) { continue; } $results = $evaluator->evaluate_all( $form ); ob_start(); $evaluator->show_results( $results, $form ); $tabs[ $evaluator->get_slug() ] = array( 'title' => $evaluator->get_title(), 'description' => $evaluator->get_description(), 'content' => ob_get_clean(), ); } if ( empty( $tabs ) ) { return; } $screen = get_current_screen(); $hidden = get_hidden_meta_boxes( $screen ); $closed = get_user_option( 'closedpostboxes_' . $screen->id ); if ( ! is_array( $closed ) ) { $closed = array(); } $box_id = 'torro-evaluations'; $box_class = 'torro-evaluations-box postbox' . ( in_array( $box_id, $closed, true ) ? ' closed' : '' ) . ( in_array( $box_id, $hidden, true ) ? ' hide-if-js' : '' ); $current_tab_slug = key( $tabs ); echo '<input type="hidden" id="closedpostboxespage" value="' . esc_attr( $screen->id ) . '" />'; wp_nonce_field( 'closedpostboxes', 'closedpostboxesnonce', false ); ?> <div id="<?php echo esc_attr( $box_id ); ?>" class="<?php echo esc_attr( $box_class ); ?>"> <button type="button" class="handlediv" aria-expanded="true"> <span class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'Toggle panel: Evaluations', 'torro-forms' ); ?></span> <span class="toggle-indicator" aria-hidden="true"></span> </button> <h2 class="hndle"> <span><?php _e( 'Evaluations', 'torro-forms' ); ?></span> </h2> <div class="inside"> <div class="torro-evaluations-tabs" role="tablist"> <?php foreach ( $tabs as $slug => $data ) : ?> <a id="<?php echo esc_attr( 'evaluations-tab-label-' . $slug ); ?>" class="torro-evaluations-tab" href="<?php echo esc_attr( '#evaluations-tab-' . $slug ); ?>" aria-controls="<?php echo esc_attr( 'evaluations-tab-' . $slug ); ?>" aria-selected="<?php echo $slug === $current_tab_slug ? 'true' : 'false'; ?>" role="tab"> <?php echo esc_html( $data['title'] ); ?> </a> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <div class="torro-evaluations-content"> <?php foreach ( $tabs as $slug => $data ) : ?> <div id="<?php echo esc_attr( 'evaluations-tab-' . $slug ); ?>" class="torro-evaluations-tab-panel" aria-labelledby="<?php echo esc_attr( 'evaluations-tab-label-' . $slug ); ?>" aria-hidden="<?php echo $slug === $current_tab_slug ? 'false' : 'true'; ?>" role="tabpanel"> <div class="torro-evaluations-description-wrap"> <p class="description"><?php echo $data['description']; ?></p> </div> <div id="<?php echo esc_attr( 'torro-evaluations-results-' . $slug ); ?>" class="torro-evaluations-results"> <?php echo $data['content']; ?> </div> <div class="torro-evaluations-shortcode"> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr( 'torro-evaluations-shortcode-' . $slug ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Charts Shortcode:', 'torro-forms' ); ?></label> <input id="<?php echo esc_attr( 'torro-evaluations-shortcode-' . $slug ); ?>" class="clipboard-field regular-text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( sprintf( "[{$this->manager()->forms()->get_prefix()}form_charts id="%d" mode="%s"]", $form->id, $slug ) ); ?>" readonly="readonly" /> <button type="button" class="clipboard-button button" data-clipboard-target="#<?php echo esc_attr( 'torro-evaluations-shortcode-' . $slug ); ?>"> <?php $this->manager()->forms()->assets()->render_icon( 'torro-icon-clippy', __( 'Copy to clipboard', 'torro-forms' ) ); ?> </button> </div> </div> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php } /** * Registers the default evaluators. * * The function also executes a hook that should be used by other developers to register their own evaluators. * * @since 1.0.0 */ protected function register_defaults() { foreach ( $this->default_submodules as $slug => $class_name ) { $this->register( $slug, $class_name ); } /** * Fires when the default evaluators have been registered. * * This action should be used to register custom evaluators. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param Module $evaluators Form setting manager instance. */ do_action( "{$this->get_prefix()}register_evaluators", $this ); } /** * Registers the available module scripts and stylesheets. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param Assets $assets Assets API instance. */ protected function register_assets( $assets ) { $assets->register_script( 'admin-evaluations', 'assets/dist/js/admin-evaluations.js', array( 'deps' => array( 'jquery' ), 'ver' => torro()->version(), 'in_footer' => true, ) ); $assets->register_style( 'admin-evaluations', 'assets/dist/css/admin-evaluations.css', array( 'deps' => array(), 'ver' => torro()->version(), ) ); $this->_register_assets( $assets ); } /** * Enqueues assets to load in the submissions list table view if conditions are met. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param Submission_Manager $submissions Submission manager instance. */ protected function maybe_enqueue_submission_results_assets( $submissions ) { if ( empty( $_GET['form_id'] ) ) { return; } $form = $submissions->get_parent_manager( 'forms' )->get( (int) $_GET['form_id'] ); if ( ! $form ) { return; } $assets = $this->manager()->assets(); $has_enabled = false; foreach ( $this->submodules as $slug => $evaluator ) { if ( ! $evaluator->enabled( $form ) ) { continue; } $has_enabled = true; if ( ! is_a( $evaluator, Assets_Submodule_Interface::class ) ) { continue; } if ( ! is_callable( array( $evaluator, 'enqueue_submission_results_assets' ) ) ) { continue; } $evaluator->enqueue_submission_results_assets( $assets, $form ); } if ( $has_enabled ) { $assets->enqueue_script( 'clipboard' ); $assets->enqueue_style( 'clipboard' ); $assets->enqueue_script( 'admin-evaluations' ); $assets->enqueue_style( 'admin-evaluations' ); } } /** * Sets up all action and filter hooks for the service. * * @since 1.0.0 */ protected function setup_hooks() { parent::setup_hooks(); $this->actions[] = array( 'name' => "{$this->get_prefix()}complete_submission", 'callback' => array( $this, 'evaluate' ), 'priority' => 10, 'num_args' => 2, ); $this->actions[] = array( 'name' => "{$this->get_prefix()}before_submissions_list", 'callback' => array( $this, 'maybe_show_evaluation_results' ), 'priority' => 10, 'num_args' => 1, ); $this->actions[] = array( 'name' => "{$this->get_prefix()}list_submissions_enqueue_assets", 'callback' => array( $this, 'maybe_enqueue_submission_results_assets' ), 'priority' => 1, 'num_args' => 1, ); $this->actions[] = array( 'name' => 'init', 'callback' => array( $this, 'register_defaults' ), 'priority' => 100, 'num_args' => 1, ); } /** * Handles the form charts shortcode. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array $atts { * Array of shortcode attributes. In addition to the attributes specified here you may pass any arguments * that should be forwarded to the respective evaluator. * * @type int $id Form ID. This must always be present. * @type string $mode Slug of the evaluator to use. The evaluator must exist and be enabled for the form. * Default is 'element_responses'. * } * @return string Shortcode output. */ public function get_shortcode_content( $atts ) { $args = $atts; $atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'id' => '', 'mode' => 'element_responses', ), $atts, "{$this->get_prefix()}form_charts" ); $args = array_diff_key( $args, $atts ); $atts['id'] = absint( $atts['id'] ); if ( empty( $atts['id'] ) ) { return __( 'Shortcode is missing a form ID!', 'torro-forms' ); } if ( empty( $atts['mode'] ) ) { return __( 'Shortcode is missing a mode!', 'torro-forms' ); } $form = torro()->forms()->get( $atts['id'] ); if ( ! $form ) { return __( 'Shortcode is using an invalid form ID!', 'torro-forms' ); } $evaluator = $this->get( $atts['mode'] ); if ( is_wp_error( $evaluator ) ) { return __( 'Shortcode is using an invalid mode!', 'torro-forms' ); } if ( ! $evaluator->enabled( $form ) ) { return __( 'Shortcode is using an invalid mode!', 'torro-forms' ); } if ( is_a( $evaluator, Assets_Submodule_Interface::class ) && is_callable( array( $evaluator, 'enqueue_submission_results_assets' ) ) ) { $evaluator->enqueue_submission_results_assets( $this->manager()->assets(), $form ); } $results = $evaluator->evaluate_all( $form ); ob_start(); echo '<div id="' . esc_attr( 'torro-evaluations-results-' . $evaluator->get_slug() ) . '" class="torro-evaluations-results">' . "\n"; $evaluator->show_results( $results, $form, $args ); echo "\n" . '</div>'; $onclick = "var clickedLink=this;Array.from( clickedLink.parentElement.children ).forEach(function(link){clickedLink===link?link.setAttribute('aria-selected','true')||link.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector('#'+link.getAttribute('aria-controls')).setAttribute('aria-hidden','false'):link.setAttribute('aria-selected','false')||link.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector('#'+link.getAttribute('aria-controls')).setAttribute('aria-hidden','true')});return false"; return str_replace( ' class="torro-evaluations-subtab"', ' class="torro-evaluations-subtab" onclick="' . esc_attr( $onclick ) . '"', ob_get_clean() ); } /** * Handles the deprecated form charts shortcode. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array $atts { * Array of shortcode attributes. * * @type int $id Form ID. This must always be present. * @type string $mode Slug of the evaluator to use. The evaluator must exist and be enabled for the form. * Default is 'element_responses'. * } * @return string Shortcode output. */ public function get_deprecated_shortcode_content( $atts ) { $this->manager()->error_handler()->deprecated_shortcode( 'form_charts', '1.0.0-beta.9', "{$this->manager()->forms()->get_prefix()}form_charts" ); $atts['mode'] = 'element_responses'; return $this->get_shortcode_content( $atts ); } /** * Handles the deprecated element chart shortcode. * * Arguments are tweaked around inside it and passed on to the new shortcode to account for back-compat. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array $atts { * Array of shortcode attributes. * * @type int $id Element ID. This must always be present. * } * @return string Shortcode output. */ public function get_deprecated_element_chart_shortcode_content( $atts ) { $this->manager()->error_handler()->deprecated_shortcode( 'element_chart', '1.0.0-beta.9', "{$this->manager()->forms()->get_prefix()}form_charts" ); $atts['mode'] = 'element_responses'; if ( ! isset( $atts['id'] ) ) { return __( 'Shortcode is missing an element ID!', 'torro-forms' ); } $atts['element_id'] = $atts['id']; unset( $atts['id'] ); $element = $this->manager()->forms()->get_child_manager( 'containers' )->get_child_manager( 'elements' )->get( $atts['element_id'] ); if ( ! $element ) { return __( 'Shortcode is using an invalid element ID!', 'torro-forms' ); } $container = $element->get_container(); if ( ! $container ) { return __( 'It looks like the container for this element has been removed. Please enter a different element ID into the shortcode.', 'torro-forms' ); } $atts['id'] = $container->form_id; return $this->get_shortcode_content( $atts ); } /** * Adds the service hooks. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function add_hooks() { if ( ! $this->hooks_added ) { add_shortcode( "{$this->get_prefix()}form_charts", array( $this, 'get_shortcode_content' ) ); add_shortcode( 'form_charts', array( $this, 'get_deprecated_shortcode_content' ) ); add_shortcode( 'element_chart', array( $this, 'get_deprecated_element_chart_shortcode_content' ) ); } return parent::add_hooks(); } /** * Removes the service hooks. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function remove_hooks() { if ( $this->hooks_added ) { remove_shortcode( "{$this->get_prefix()}form_charts" ); remove_shortcode( 'form_charts' ); remove_shortcode( 'element_chart' ); } return parent::remove_hooks(); } }
Version | Description |
1.0.0 | Introduced. |
- get — Returns a specific registered submodule.
- get_all — Returns all registered submodules.
- has — Checks whether a specific submodule is registered.
- register — Registers a new submodule.
- unregister — Unregisters a new submodule.